I’ve gathered some resources that will help you with whatever you proposed. Read the information that pertains to whatever you plan to do for Project 3:
Since we’re just back from break and many of you are still scrambling to finish your proposals, I’m keeping the work light. It’s all downhill from here!
Continue working on Project 3. Assume your proposal will be accepted.
Watch for a reply to your proposal within about a week of your submission. Be sure to check the comments. If you need to make any adjustments to your plans, I will tell you about it there.
Be ready to post a draft version of Project 3 for peer review by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, 03/22. Peer review feedback is due by 11:59 PM on Thursday, 03/24.
The final version of your project is due by 11:59 PM on Monday, 03/28. The grace period ends at 11:59 PM on Monday, 04/04.
Examine the Example Proposal for Job Application Materials to see the kind of information to include in your proposal. The example is an extensive proposal that would earn an A. The proposal is worth 50 points of your grade for Project 3. Here are some related tips:
Be sure that you include all the required sections, as explained in the proposal instructions.
Document outside resources that you consult as you research job application materials for your field. You do not need to document conversations or the class texts; but do note any other resources (e.g., books, websites) you consult. You can use whatever documentation format you are most familiar with. Here are some tools if you are unsure what to use:
Cite This For Me creates several styles, including IEEE, for free.
Submit your proposal by 11:59 PM on Monday, March 14. Early submission is recommended if you are thinking of a job application project that might be unusual. Follow the submission instructions to turn in your work. The grace period for the proposal ends at 11:59 PM on Monday, March 21.
Watch for feedback after you turn in your proposal. I have never had to turn a proposal down, but I do ask for changes occasionally. You are responsible for the suggestions included in the feedback.
Your work for Project 3 is described as “job application materials.” In reality, you do not have to create materials for applying for a job. You have many other options. Here are some of the options that students have done in the past for this assignment:
a job posting and the résumé and cover letter you would use to apply for the job
an internship announcement and the materials you would use to apply for the internship
a scholarship announcement and the materials you would use to apply for that scholarship
a before image (PDF) of your LinkedIn profile and a link to your revised LinkedIn profile
before images of several online profiles (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) and then links to your newly cleaned up profiles
the link to a website you have built as a portfolio, which provides info about yourself and your accomplishments
the link to your GitHub repository with descriptions and well-documented code for projects you have done
the link to your Academia.edu profile, which provides info on your education and projects you have done
the link to a YouTube video that gives a guided tour of some work that you have done or presentations you have given
Update your LinkedIn profile to network with professionals where you will be working in the future
Do whatever makes sense for your field and career goals. You can combine and rearrange things as well. For example, I had some students in the past who cleaned up their existing online profiles and then created a LinkedIn profile to build a professional online persona.
This project is your chance to work on documents that you can use now and in the future. I’ve had students, for instance, who told me that their in-major advisors or advisors at Career Services kept telling them they needed to set up profiles on LinkedIn, but they never had time. They used this project to get that work done.
The evaluation section of your proposal may feel a little challenging. You are used to teachers telling you what you have to do for a grade, and I’m asking you to do the opposite. You are setting goals for each level of work that you might complete in Project 3. I will review your proposal and let you know if it needs to be adjusted.
What Goes in the Evaluation Section of Your Proposal
Your proposal should outline the evaluation techniques (see p. 289 of Markel) for your project, giving me three levels:
Average Work ( a C project)
Above-Average Work (a B project)
Excellent Work (an A project)
Example 1
If I were going to work on my LinkedIn profile for Project 3, I might outline these expectations in the evaluation section of my proposal:
Average Work (a C project): clean up my Facebook and Twitter profiles and set up a LinkedIn profile with basic information.
Above-Average Work (a B project): complete the C project and fill out the LinkedIn profile completely.
Excellent work (an A project): complete the B project and add an attention-grabbing summary section to the LinkedIn profile as well as arrange the information on the profile so the most important information is in the first screen or two on the page.
Example 2
If I were going to work on my an online presence and portfolio as a communications major for Project 3, I might explain something like this:
Average work (a C project): create a short video portfolio that employers can use to view my on-camera anchor talent.
Above-average work (a B project): complete the C project and create a website on which to host the video. Use design elements to organize the website.
Excellent work (an A project): complete the B project and add a resume to the website. Update the resume so that it is current and accurate.
Use your free access to Lynda.com videos to find additional resources that can help as you decide what to propose. If you were interested in doing something that the textbook doesn’t cover, these videos may be just what you’re looking for. Here are some examples that could be useful, depending upon your career goals:
Complete the quizzes on Chapters 10 and 11 by 11:59 PM on Monday, February 29. The grace period ends at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 2.
Respond to the Discussion on "Improving Networking Advice" by 11:59 PM on Monday, February 29. The grace period ends at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 2. Most of you are graduating seniors so you will probably work on something other than a traditional résumé and cover letter (as you are already busy with your job searches or already have jobs secured). This discussion post will help you begin thinking about the possibilities for building your professional network.
Begin conducting research for Project 3. Take time this week to explore the various resources on job application materials listed in the readings so that you can make an informed decision about what you will propose.
Start writing the proposal for your job application materials and submit it by 11:59 PM on Monday, March 14. Early submisssion is recommended if you are thinking of a job application project that might be unusual. Use the proposal instructions to know what information to include and how to submit your proposal.